Friday, 21 December 2012

Holiday XD

Hi minna-san~  long time no see :3
Gomen ne, i'm very busy with my new activity, playing game --" So i rarely posting blog T^T

Today's my first holiday and my report day, i spend my time to play game and sleeping XD
i've got rank 3 in my class thanks god :)
Maybe i'll spend my holiday at home altough on 5-6 january.. There's a j-fest in my city so i must come XD
I wanna come with my boyfriend but i don't know until this day what will happen with us.. I've ruined his heart.. He change his personality because of me but i ask something "weird" to him.. For you, hontou ni gomenasai, thanks because you choose to still with me..

I also invite my other friend, hoho Kak Lathifa a.k.a Eru Ueda, and friend in my school..
Oh yea, about anime.. I've got many anime because my boyfriend always update anime and i always ask him, hehe.. XD he has an anime named Chuunibyou, i'll ask him after holiday, haha because he likes this anime.. His and mine profile picture facebook is Chuunibyou although i never watch it XD

A few days ago, i watch anime named, Btooom.. Okay, i watch that anime because the opening is a song by Nano, my sister like her ._____. But, i shocked when i found some ecchi, hentai, fanservice, eroge on it anime.. I hate them so damn much!!! OMG that's disgusting.. I discard that anime after episode 3.. After that i watched Mirai Nikki.. In that anime also ecchi, OMG what a bad day i have.. But not as bad as Btooom.. Okay, maybe i'll watch that anime after this.. This morning, i broke my left knee, why this always happen to me after i broke my right knee, my bone is shift.. ._.

For you, have a nice holiday, wish you have the best holiday :3 Happy new year!! :D

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Is it Okay?

Hi Minna-san~
I'll post this with Indonesian because of my english is so bad --" it's maybe too difficult to me to translated this..
Hari ini aku chat dengan dia.. Seharusnya hari ini aku mengajaknya jalan-jalan tetapi dia tidak masuk karena katanya bangunnya telat.. Aku memang setelah melihat dia tidak datang-datang ada firasat kalau dia sedang online, karena itu aku beli pulsa lalu buka inbox.. Ternyata benar dia sedang online.. Disaat itu aku befikir, kalau aku tidak cepat pulang, nanti dia keburu off.. Tapi akhirnya aku memilih balas chat dia lewat hp dan pergi ke gramed karena memang aku mau beli sesuatu.. Untung saja sinyal di sekolah sedang bagus-bagusnya, kalau tidak mungkin aku akan langsung ingin pulang ke rumah..

Lalu siangnya aku pun pulang ke rumah, aku langsung lari ke lantai atas, buka notebook-ku dan pasang modem.. Saat itu aku melihantnya sedang online, syukurlah, pikirku.. Tapi tidak lama kemudian, dia bilang kalau dia mau off.. Tentu saja aku sebal karena aku sudah bela-belain pulang ke rumah tapi dia malah off, alasannya, "Kalo gua on ngapain." Hey, i'm here, i was waiting just for this and you crush it..

Aku berfikir, kalau begini terus aku akan terus sakit hati dan sakit hati, karena itu aku berkata, "Biar gua ga kangen ama lu, gua harus bunuh perasaan gua."

Yah, maksudku dengan 'bunuh perasaan' itu aku harus menghilangkan sedikit perasaan sukaku padanya agar aku tidak kangen padanya secara berlebihan.. Ketika aku mengingatnya, dulu juga aku pernah dekat dengan seorang cowo tapi dia meninggalkan karena mungkin aku egois dan kekanak-kanakan, masa sih aku harus kehilangan orang lagi gara-gara sifatku yang itu? Karena itu aku memilih untuk membunuh perasaanku..

Disaat itu aku menyuruhnya untuk tidak usah bales chatku, sebenarnya itu usahaku untuk mengetes seberapa peka dia, tapi ternyata dia malah benar-benar ngga bales padahal aku tau dia sedang online.. Saking marahnya, aku bentak dia, dan dia malah berkata, "Lu butuh perasaan negatif" maksudnya?? -_____-

Lalu dia malah bilang hal apa yang membuat dia suka padaku, disitu ada kata, 'kesabaran lu' sabar? ._. Sekarang aja aku lagi marah-marah ke dia, dan dia masih mengatakan aku sabar? Oke, memang aku pernah menunggu seseorang sampai 4 jam tapi dibandingkan dengan itu, sudah berapa kali aku marah-marah dengannya hanya karena masalah yang sama dan dia masih mengatakan aku sabar? -_____-

Setelah itu dia menyuruhku untuk mengeluarkan semua kekesalanku.. Sebenarnya kalau boleh jujur, aku lebih suka kalau dia perhatian denganku, tapi dia malah bilang begitu.. Aku bukan seperti dia yang suka memendam perasaan kesal ke orang.. Aku tipe orang yang senang menceritakan masalahku karena aku tak yakin bisa menyelesaikannya sendirian.. Mungkin kalau aku seperti dia, aku akan sangat senang jika dia menyuruhku untuk mengeluarkan kekesalanku, tapi masalahnya tidak.. Itu kenapa aku tak pernah membenci seseorang..

Lalu dia bicara tentang keinginan dia untuk jadi laki-laki sejati yang mencintai seorang perempuan dari 1 milyar hal.. Aku belum tau sifat asliku seperti apa, karena itu, kalau ternyata aku memiliki sifat yang bertolak belakang dengan apa yang dia inginkan, aku takut dia malah meninggalkanku..

Lalu aku bertanya pada apa dia tipe orang yang tidak ngomong langsung, alias lebih suka menunjukkan apa yang dia inginkan atau rasakan dengan tingkah laku daripada membicarakannya langsung, dia menjawab "Ya" huaa, pantas saja aku sering sebal ke dia.. Aku ini kan tipe orang yang suka keterbukaan, semua diomongin secara langsung, wkwk.. Lalu dia bilang padaku, "Biar seru" Aku ketawa aja sambil bilang dalam hati, Itulah dia, suka tantangan, wkwk Lalu aku berkata "Ntr gua sakit hati mulu." Lalu dia bilang, "Nanti gua obatin" Haha, agak tersentuh sih aku dengernya, padahal dia tau kalo aku marah hampir tiap hari dan marahnya juga gara-gara hal yang sama, tapi dia dengan sabarnya ngobatin aku, jadi sebenarnya siapa yang sabar?

Setelah itu dia bilang padaku kalau dia mau off, oke, mungkin modem-nya mau dipake kakaknya, ya udah aku ga apa, aku tungguin dia sampai jam 8.29 tapi ternyata main lost saga ._. Alasannya sih supaya ga lemot,  aku tau sih kalo buka game online sambil buka yang lain bakal lemot karena dulu aku juga dulu gamer, jadi yah ga apa.. Saat itu, kalau aku protes, aku takut lama-kelamaan dia bakal sebel sama aku dan ninggalin aku.. Aku ga bisa hanya karena aku pacarnya jadi aku nyuruh-nyuruh dia agar ngga maen dan selalu nemenin aku.. Aku ga mau lagi ngerusak kesenangan dia .____. Aku pengen skill maen game online dia nambah(?) karena menurut aku cowo yang pinter maen game online itu lebih keren dari cowo yang bisa olahraga.. Rasanya kalau liat cowo pinter maen bola itu biasa, ga menarik, karena hampir semua cowo bisa dan suka maeninnya.. Aku bosen ketika ada cewe bilang, "Kyaa~ dia pinter maen bola" dsb, rasanya aku sudah dengar ribuan kali kata-kata itu jadi menurutku itu ga menarik.. Tapi kalau yang namanya maen game online, kalau menurut aku yang maen game onlinenya udah jago banget itu hanya orang-orang yang punya IQ tinggi ato punya apa ya namanya? ketepatan ato daya reflek yang hebat.. Itu lah mungkin kenapa aku ngga jago maen game online.. -____- Dan lalu aku paling suka ngeliat cowo yang jago lari, ga tau kenapa keren aja wkwk.. Aku juga suka banget ama cowo yang wajahnya manis, aku sekarang agak ga tertarik ama cowo yang kulitnya putih alias cowo yang suka ada di drama korea yang menurut sebagian orang ganteng, menurutku lebih keren cowo yang kulitnya coklat, bukan item loh -___- Aku lebih suka cowo yang manis walau ga ganteng.. Soalnya ketika dia ketawa dia akan keliatan sangat charming wkwk XD

Oh iya, for you yang ada disana, kata temen deketku, Dinda, kamu itu kalo dia liat katanya tipe cowo yang ngga macem-macem dan setia wkwk, katanya dia udah perkirakan kalo aku ama oniichan ga akan bertahan lama, ternyata emang bener.. Katanya juga diliat dari wajahnya, oniichan itu playboy dan aura dia ama kamu beda katanya, wkwk, semoga aja bener ya :3
Terus, yang tadi aku katakan keinginanku untuk kamu biar begini ato begini jangan di hiraukan ya, aku suka kamu apa adanya kok, walau kadang sebel tapi kamu ya kamu, jadi aku mesti terima.. Lagipula selain itu kamu ga punya sifat buruk yang menyebalkan, kalo sifat yang tegaan itu mungkin akibat banyak hal yang aku bisa bayangkan kayak apa tapi kalo selain itu, aku ga apa, apalagi kamu tipe orang yang ga ngomong langsung, aku tau tipe kayak gitu orangnya kayak gimana, 1 kata, cuek, haha, tapi aku suka kok, bikin penasaran :3 <3 haha

See ya~

Friday, 26 October 2012

For Führer~

Yeah, i ever give you this message but i wanna tell you this again..

For my beloved boyfriend~
You know? Until now, i don't believe i can meet you..
Someone who can bring me to real world..
More than 5 years i always hide from real world in cyber world..
Because i don't believe everyone..
They always insult me, they always make me hurt, they always make me trauma, they always make me sick..
So i always show my real side in cyber world.. I think if i hurt in cyber world it's better than in real world..
You know? I was very cheerful girl, i was very optimistic girl, but because of HER, i always preconceive someone, i become gloomy girl and have many trauma, because of HER.. I don't hate her, but i confuse, why  i must meet her? It makes me afraid with girl..
In 7 grade, i met a bunch of kid, haha i say kid because they always make a joke.. The joke isn't like a joke, they like insult me.. It's make me hurt but if i go away from them, they will notice i didn't like them.. So i always hurt everyday.. It make me afraid to have many friend in the class..
You know? I didn't like boy in real world! They aren't interesting i think.. I don't know just nothing makes me interesting.. But when i see you even in our first meeting, i feel like you're different.. Yeah, you're full of "scar".. "I wanna cure his sadness" I said to myself.. I curious with him.. I wanna know everything about him.. I try to get closer and closer.. I always request anime from him.. And request him to tell me how to download internet download manager.. He always call me "katro" but i don't care although i sometimes get hurt..
Yeah, sometimes you will make a joke, take my item and then hide it.. Actually, i hate that.. I don't like joke..  But yeah you know.. It's you.. You're evil, lazy, always do something that you like, you're in indonesian is too "polos", always leave me to play a game or play with your friend but if you're not doing something like that.. It's not you.. Yeah, i love everything in you.. I Love You As You Are..
So if i said i want you to be like this, don't mind that.. It's maybe because i'm angry with you..
I always angry with you everyday.. But i know, when i'm angry, you'll cheer me up, right? You like when someone suffer.. So, maybe you also like when i'm suffer.. And plus you like my face when i get angry, right?  So it's maybe the reason..
Hmm, talking about your personality, you have got many good personality also.. Like good listener, always help my problem, always accompany me although i must order you to do it, yeah so many.. I notice, you aren't doing such a thing to your friend.. so, am i special? Haha, maybe it's just my opinion, but if it's right, Arigatou~

Oh yeah.. Thank you for all.. You make me forgot all about 'him'.. You make me don't afraid again with boy.. You bring me to real world.. It's like you show me, "It's real world, so you must also live in real world" haha.. You make me interested with boy in real world, wkwk.. Yeah, i thank god so i can meet you.. You can't close to another girl like my baka oniichan because my class is beside you, so if you close to another girl, i'll kill you :P wkwk

I'll try to cure you, i'll try to change your laziness, i'll try to always help your problem.. And promise to me, we'll go to the same school after this.. P-R-O-M-I-S-E  =3= Okay?

 Last world:

Happy a month anniversary ya~ :3

Be patient with my childish and grumpy side, hehe.. long last with me ya~(?) wkwk XD i want to see the seriousness of you~Because you never serious, except when you told me that you love me hehehe :3 -plak-  Oh yeah, if you leave me, you know the consequence, right? -=- I ever told you a boy named baka oniichan ever leave me and make me half crazy so if you're leave me maybe i will full crazy, wkwk XD

See ya~

nb: ni gua postingnya hari ini loh tapi tanggalnya sesat --" kyknya ngikutin GMT

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Everlasting Guilty Crown

Hi Minna-san~ now, i'm interested with a song, titled "The Everlasting Guilty Crown".. I know this song from anime Guilty Crown of course, i watched this anime about 1 mouth ago.. Actually, i wanna watch this anime long time ago, but i also wanna watch other anime.. But my friend tell me that he watched Guilty Crown last night, so i ask him to bring it.. Yeah, Guilty Crown is a good anime although i'm not really like ecchi in this anime.. Yeah, i know, this's just because the girl named Inori wearing a strange cloth -___- And i also didn't like the protagonist, Ouma Shu, he's very coward.. And when he's became a king, he's very resent.. Oh yeah, this song is told us about the anime i think.. it's similar.. when the world is crushes down because of egoism.. hehe, let's see the lyric.. I take this from Anime Lyrics, hehe :D see ya~

The Everlasting Guilty Crown
Guilty Crown OP 2

Sekai wa owari wo tsugeyou to shiteru
Dare ni mo mou tomerare wa shinai
Houkai no SHINFONII ga narihibiite
Furu ame wa maru de namida no neiro


Shihai shi shihai sare hitotachi wa
Itsuka sono kokoro ni nikushimi wo
Soshite aisuru koto wo omoidasezu
Arasou no?

Kono uta ga kikoeteru
Inochi aru subete no mono yo
Shinjitsu wa anata no mune no naka ni aru
Arashi no umi wo yuku toki mo
Keshite oku suru koto no nai tsuyosa wo
Kureru kara

Keredo mo susumu hodo kaze wa tsuyoku
Kibou no hi wa yagate kiete yuku
"Akari wo yokose" to ubaiai
Hate ni hito wa koroshiau
Namida nado tou ni karete


Sono me wa tagai wo mitomeru tame
Sono koe wa omoi wo tsutaeru tame
Sono te wa daiji na hito to tsunagu tame ni aru

Kono uta ga kikoeteru
Sekaijuu no yorube naki mono yo
Kibou wa anata no mune no naka ni aru
Moesakaru honoo no naka demo
Keshite kizutsuku koto no nai tsuyosa wo
Kureru kara

Sono te de mamorou to shita mono wa
Aisuru mono datta no darou ka
Akaku somatta sono te wo nagamete
Yatto mizukara ga shite kita orokasa wo
Ayamachi to mitomeru sono tsumi wo
Tomedonaku afureru sono namida wo shiru

Kono uta ga kikoeteru
Inochi aru subete no mono yo
Shinjitsu wa anata no mune no naka ni aru
Arashi no umi wa shizumatta
Ushinatta mono wa kazoekirenaku tomo

Kono uta ga kikoeteru
Sekaijuu no yorube naki mono yo
Kibou wa anata no mune no naka ni aru
Kanashimi no yoru wo koeru toki
Kanarazu anata wa ikiteiku tsuyosa wo
Moteru kara


The world is trying to bring about the end
And no one is trying to stop it.
---It's starting.
The symphony of destruction echoes out.
The rain that falls sounds almost like the tone of tears.

Tell me.

Do people who control and are controlled
One day forget what it means to love
Because of the hatred in their hearts,
And attack others?

I can hear this song coming to me.
All you who have life,
The truth is inside your heart
Because even in times in which I must go to the stormy ocean,
It gives you strength
That never hesitates.

However, the further we move ahead, the stronger the wind gets,
And so the flame of hope starts to go out.
"Hand over the light!" The people scramble for it,
And once it comes to this, people kill each other,
Their tears dried.

Notice it.

Your eyes are for acknowledging each other.
Your voice is to convey your feelings.
Your hand is to hold with the one who is precious to you.

I can hear this song coming to me.
All of you who have nowhere to go,
Hope is in your hearts
Because even in blazing flames,
It gives you a strength
That will never be scathed.

Are those things you tried to protect
The things you truly loved?
You gaze at your hand dyed in crimson
And finally realize the foolishness you have committed,
Admit it to be a mistake, and
Cry without an end for your sins.

I can hear this song coming to me.
All you who have life,
The truth is inside your heart
The stormy ocean has quieted,
No matter if the things you have lost are countless.

I can hear this song coming to me.
All of you who have nowhere to go,
Hope is in your hearts
When you overcome the night of sadness,
I am sure you will come out
Holding the strength to live on.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Sword Art Online Trailer

Minna-saan, i like this trailer very much >,< yeah, although i like almost all of the trailer that i watch.. Yeah, i replay this trailer for many times :D the picture and the song are suitable.. I like the back sound because it's Yuki Kajiura's.. Let's watch it :D
i just wanna share it.. And you can watch this on youtube because i download this on youtube also, hehehe, ja matta ne! XD

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Sword Art Online

Minna-saan, gomen for late posting, i'm really bored actually T^T -slapped-

Now, i wanna posting about SAO or Sword Art Online.. This anime's very fantastic, huaa.. You know? Actually i'm a gamer and i have an account in one of game online.. And you know again? My game program is disappear and i must download it again.. But, when i download it, it couldn't open.. I'm very frustrate huaa, and i didn't try again T^T And you know? When i saw SAO, i felt like i'm in game online.. My frustrated is disappear step by step..

Okay, i'll tell you some information about SAO.. SA
O is actually a light novel by Reki Kawahara.. Reki Kawahara also made a light novel which now become a famous anime, that's Accel World.. The ilustration is Abec, and i think he make the character from light novel become alive with his draw.. I like Abec-senpai draw >< Oh yeah, it adapted into manga, anime and video game.. Because of i lived in indonesia, i watch SAO in anime online wahaha, i usually watch it in Anime Tail, because i didn't want to download them.. And i also read the light novel in internet.. It have been 10 books and i already read them until 3 books.. It storied about VRMMORPG (virtual reality massive multy-player role-playing game) in 2022.. The protagonist name's Kirigaya Kazuto but in SAO his usually called Kirito.. Oh yeah, SAO is the first VRMMORPG in 2022, so many people wanna try it especially gamer.. SAO is use Helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, that's Nerve Gear.. SAO is only sold 10.000 copies but only 1.000 person who can try SAO before release.. They're Beta Tester.. Beta Tester is usually already know about monster or everything in SAO..

When SAO release, many people buy it especially
Gamer and sold 10.000 copies.. Kirito was trying that Game when he met a person named Clein.. Clein is a new peson in SAO, and Clein ask Kirito to teach him.. Kirito accepted that.. Finally, Clein was able to against a monster like a pig that as weak as slime in other game.. When Clein wanna off because he wanna eat a pizza that he order, he can't! After they realized there's something wrong, they suddenly moved to 'Starting City'.. They looked around, there're many player in there with confused face.. After that, something appear in the sky.. He admit that he's Kayaba Akihiko the Director and Creator of Nerve Gear and Sword Art Online.. He said that they couldn't log out from SAO and they must went to 100th floor if they want to log out and in each floor have a boss, they must fight it.. But, if they died in SAO, they also died in real.. They family also can't remove the Nerve Gear, because it can burn the player brain with the effect.. Yeah, the only one way's to reach 100 floor.. Kayaba also changed the player face with something like mirror so they can felt like in real world.. Everyone shocked.. Some people just stayed in Starting City and waited for help from real world and some people tried to reach 100 floor.. Kirito is in the second choice.. He tried to reach 100 floor, but because of some accident, Kirito become "Solo Player" and called "The Beater" that means Beta Tester and Cheater.. Kirito always alone, when he tried to join in a guild, he made the member died, i know that wasn't his fault, but he always blame himself.. After that, he never join in a group or guild except if someone need him..

He met a girl named Asuna.. He ever met Asuna befo
re and become her group, but he rejected her from their group.. I don't know for sure the reason, yaa, maybe Kirito didn't want to troubled her.. But, in the end, They are falling in love each other and get married.. They love story is interesting you know, although the anime is ongoing, but i already read the light novel until 3 books..

1. Sword Art Online volume 1- Aincrad
2. Sword Art Online volume 2- Aincrad
3. Sword Art Online volume 3- Fairy Dance

Sword Art Online the anime's Aincrad.. Yaa, in the
novel, there's Fan Service, but i don't know in the anime.. I hope there isn't any (_ _|||)

Oh yeah! Soundtrack of this anime is..

1. Crossing Field - LiSA (Opening) this's soo sugoi, i like LiSA very much ><
2. Yume No Sekai - Haruka Tomatsu (Ending) I like this song so much >o<

SAO also composed by Yuki Kajiura, ahh, i like Yuki Kajiura very much >w
o sugoi, hehe,

Oh yeah, i'll upload some photo of SAO although i also download this from internet , hehe, see ya
minna-san :D

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

My New Class

Hi minna-saan, i'm 9 grade now u,u Yeah, it makes me busy and have many lesson from monday until friday.. But i enjoy it actually :3 Oh yeah, i never told you where i studied, right? Yeah, i studied at junior high school 2 Bogor.. Bogor is a city near Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.. And 9 grade means i must study hard for enter senior high school that i want.. Yeah, i want to enter to Senior High School 1 Bogor, that's the best school in Bogor i think.. After that, if i can't enter that school, i want to enter to Senior High School 5 Bogor or SMAKBo, SMAKBo is where Lathifa-senpai(?) studied.. I think both of them is good school, actually many people wanna enter that school xD Oh yeah, my classroom is 9C.. My vice teacher is Mam Nita.. She's English teacher and she told to us to always use English to talking to her.. OMG! U,U My friend in other class said Mam Nita is funny teacher, okay, she is fun enough xD My first day in 9C is fun.. My chair mate is my friend in 8 grade.. But we use 7C because 9C class is use to student orientation.. Hahaha, the next day i met Hinode, remember Hinode right? Yeah, i used public transportation to go to school.. But every public transportation is almost full, and~ i saw a creature that i ever know before, yeah, it's him and he's in public transportation that i chose.. But i felt something wrong.. There's his friend that studied in the same school and i also knew he's his friend in junior high school but why his friend move to other chair when i enter? Okay, i know Hinode didn't like he move because his said, "Eh, don't move." But he still move.. And i sat beside him >3< ahh, i remember the time when i also do this, -slapped- Okay, i didn't say anything, he looked embarrassed too.. He didn't say anything.. But when i go down, i said to him, "I go first yeah.." In indonesian, "Aku duluan ya.." But he didn't say anything and i repeat my word while i poke his arm.. He saw me and i go down.. After that i didn't saw him again.. Yeah, that too short but that's alright.. Oh yeah, now, i have holiday until monday because friday is fasting, hahaha, and~ how about you? Did you enjoy your holiday? Okay, see yaa~ XD

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Koishikute - UVERworld

Ahh~ this's the saddest PV UVERworld that i ever see T^T i found this PV 2 days ago because i saw a website about PV UVERworld in my group, and~ i tried to watch this PV and soo sad T^T after that i searched the lyric, and soo sad too.. Ahh~ i can't let Takuya sad T^T -slapped myself- Koishikute told us that Takuya is busy with his friend and his work till he never care about his girlfriend and he's very overprotected with his girlfriend.. Without conscious, he makes her hate him.. "Say if you were the flower blooming over there, i would over water you until you wilted, i would overprotect you, shutting away the sunlight" Yeah, i know Takuya's feeling.. When we feel that we do something good to other, not necessarily it's the best for other.. Okay~ this's the lyric, i don't owned this by myself :D

Koishikute - UVERworld

Kimi ni saigo ni ochiaketa
yume no hanashi no koto wa umaku itai iruyo
kimi to iru hatsu datta jikan wa
shigoto ni uchi kondari nakama to sugoshitari
demo naze daro takusa no futari koko maretteru toki hodo
kono sekaiju de hitori kiri na kiga shita
kimi no sugata sagashite shima unda

Koishikute kimi no nao yonda yonda

kokoro no mama ni aiseba yokatta
sayonara no wake o nandomo kurikaesu
owari sugata no ni kesenai

Ame wa itsumo yamete toki wo
oshiete akuresu ni tada tada furi sudsuku
itsumo to onaji jikan do wori no
sainju de sharonaka yori so koibito tachi
fuini kimichi da ano hito kasaneru omoi wa asesu ni
jikan wa tatsunori kumo no hare nai sora no
namida ga mada tomaranaiinda

Koishikute kimi no nao yonda yonda
kokoro no mama ni aiseba yokatta
akudemo ii totanda tatoeba kimi ga
soko ni saku hana naraba

Mizu wo sasogasu ga karasu
mamori sugite kizashi tosashite
wakaranata na koto kimi ga koto I miss you
amasugiru mitsu wa sonno amasayu kira ware
setsugyo na balance wa hora
kutsura hajimeta toki kowakunatte

Nani ga taisetsuna kao wakatta furishite
hanashite shimatta ai wo
wakare watte ai no hajimari datte
ikkikasate kyo mo boku wa
aru kiku kedo

Koishikute kimi no nao yonda yonda
sayonara no wake o nandomo kurikaesu
owari sugata no ni
ima mo aenai to wakatteru no ni
woo~ boku wa madari yu sagashiteru

sayonara no wake o nandomo kurikaesu
kokoro ni uso ga
su kenakute


The dream I revealed to you at the end is going good now

The time I would’ve spent with you
Is dedicated to work or wasted with my friends

But why is it when I’m surrounded by many people
I feel like I’m the only one in the world
I end up searching for you

I need you, I called out your name, I called it out
I should have loved you with all my heart
I think about why I said “goodbye”
Even though I said it was over, I can’t erase you from my memory

The rain never says when it will end and just keeps on pouring
As always, like clockwork, the last train of the night
Is full of lovers cuddling close

Suddenly my emotions return to that day, my thoughts haven’t faded
Even as time goes by, the cloudy sky does not clear
And its tears won’t stop

I need you, I called out your name, I called it out
I should have loved you with all my heart, I’ve become sick
Let’s say you were that flower blooming there

If I poured too much water you would wither away
If I tried to protect you too much I would block the sunlight
Without you I don’t know what to do

I miss you

The honey that’s too sweet is hated because of it
I grew afraid once the exquisite balance started to fall apart
I pretended I knew what was most important
And left love behind

Meetings eventually turn into goodbyes
Tell me that now
But today I’m still walking forward

I need you, I called out your name, I called it out
My heart doesn’t understand why
I think about why I said “goodbye”
Even though I said it was over

I know now that I’ll never see you again
But I’m still searching for the reason
I think about why I said “goodbye”
I can’t lie…to my heart

Okay~ this's so sad i think T^T after i found this song, i listen to this all the time, ahh~ hope you'll also like this song >,< Oh yea, if you wanna save this song, just open this "Koishikute - UVERworld" okaay, good luck! XD

Oh yeah, i also will give you some photo of this PV, let's check it xD

And~ Bye minna-saan XD

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Brave Song - Angel Beats

Minna-saan, i watched Angel Beats and found a soo sad song, that's Brave Song by Tada Aoi.. When i saw the lyric, i think this is the sad lyric that i ever see.. I imagine when we're alone and we told to ourselves, "Everyone will be alone someday, living on in memories only" and and with them we try to be strong, just only with that word.. Minna-san, i think alone is the best rival that everyone have, so be stronger because everyone ever be alone :) Let's check it minna-san X3

Brave Song - Tada Aoi

Angel Beats Ending Song

itsumo hitori de aruiteta furikaeru to minna ha tooku
soredemo atashi ha aruita sore ga tsuyosa datta
mou nani mo kowaku nai sou tsubuyaite miseru
itsuka hito ha hitori ni natte omoide no naka ni ikiteku dake
kodoku sae aishi waratterareru you ni atashi ha tatakaun da
namida nante misenain da

itsumo hitori de aruiteta ikusaki ni ha gake ga matteta
soredemo atashi ha aruita tsuyosa no shoumei no tame
fukitsukeru tsuyoi kaze ase de SHATSU ga haritsuku
itsuka wasurete shimaeru nara ikiru koto sore ha tayasui mono
boukyaku no kanata he to ochiteiku nara sore ha nigeru koto darou
ikita imi sura kieru darou

kaze ha yagate naideta ase mo kawaite
onaka ga suitekita na nani ka attakke
nigiyaka na koe to tomo ni ii nioi ga yattekita

itsumo hitori de aruiteta minna ga matteita

itsuka hito ha hitori ni natte omoide no naka ni ikuteku dake
soredemo ii yasuraka na kono kimochi ha sore wo nakama to yobun da
itsuka minna to sugoshita hibi mo wasurete dokoka de ikiteru yo
sono toki ha mou tsuyoku nanka nai yo
futsuu no onnanoko no yowasa de namida wo kobosu yo


I have always walked alone. When I looked back, everyone was faraway
Even so, I kept walking. That was my strength
"I'm not afraid of anything anymore", I muttered to myself
Everyone will be alone someday, living on in memories only
I will fight so that I will be able to love and laugh despite of the loneliness
I won't show my tears

I have always walked alone. The cliff was waiting for me ahead
Even so, I kept walking, to prove my strength
The strong wind blew against me. My shirt stuck to me with sweat
If I can forget everything one day, being alive will be so easy
If I fall into the other side of oblivion, that means I am running away
Even the meaning of having lived will disappear

The wind had soon calmed down. My sweat had also dried out
I became hungry. What was that?
A nice smell came together with lively voices

I have always walked alone. Everyone was waiting

Everyone will be alone someday, living on in memories only
Even so, it's fine. I call this peaceful feeling my friend
Someday I will be living somewhere, with the memories of days spent with everyone left behind
At that time I won't be strong anymore
I will just be sobbing like a weak ordinary girl

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Angel Beats!

Huaa~ i finished watch this anime! This anime's so sad.. I cry 3 times T^T huhuhu..

So, i'll tell you the story of angel beats! I watched this anime this month because i think it's anime ecchi T3T *this always happen to me* yeah, and~ it's so amazing anime! >o<

Okay, it's my own view about Angel Beats after watch it and i didn't copy it from other blog or wikipedia, :3

Angel Beats tells about the world afterlife where everyone still feel pain as they did when they were alive.. it takes place in a high school.. The protagonist main character name is Yuzuru Otonashi.. Yuzuru's lost his memory.. Yuzuru met a girl named Yuri who invites him to join the Afterlife Battlefront or Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS) to against the god.. They still didn't accept their death, so they against god.. their enemy's angel or tenshi.. Yuri assume that Tenshi can make their disappear and reincarnated.. But Yuzuru feel that Kanade Tachibana (the angel) isn't bad at all and Kanade seems lonely.. So, Sometimes Yuzuru invites her to eat together, fishing together, so on.. In Afterlife world, There's 3 reason that can make their disappear.. Because they follow angel, they act like student in that school and their hope become true.. One day, Yuri ask member of SSS, Naoi to hypnotize Yuzuru so he can remeber his memories when he's alive.. After that, he knows that he want to be a doctor after his sister's death.. He wanna help each other.. But he has a train accident and death.. Before death, he planned to donor his body.. After that, he deaths after rescuer found them.. In the end, he accepted his death but he still want to help his friend in SSS.. Kanade tells him her purpose to everyone in afterlife world.. She wanna everyone accepted their death and disappear because maybe, that's useless to against the god, they can't come back to their life.. So they make a plan to make everyone hope become true and disappear.. But they plan stopped because of something that can make everyone changed to be NPC.. NPC is like a robot that do the same thing everyday but can't disappear from that place.. actually, like a human without a soul.. finally, Yuzuru requested everyone to accepted their death and disappear from afterlife world and started new life.. Initially, They can't accepted his request but Yuzuru convince them.. After SSS defeat the mastermind of that accident, there's only 5 people remain.. That's Yuzuru, Kanade, Yuri, Hinata and Naoi.. They make a graduation by request from Kanade.. After they graduation, there're only Yuzuru and Kanade were left.. Yuzuru told Kanade his feeling.. Yuzuru also ask Kanade to still here but Kanade refuse his request.. Because the reason her lie in afterlife world is to say "thank you" to someone who give her donor.. And Kanade realized that's Yuzuru.. Kanade disappear after request him to says something before her disappear.. And he says, "I Love You".. Kanade says, "Thank you so much for loving me.." and disappear.. After that, they meet again in the world after they reincarnation..

Finished~ ahh~ Sorry minna-san, i'm not the best story telling, but i wanna make you love this anime too.. Sorry if i have some mistake.. My english is soo bad.. Ja matta ne, minna-saan >o